Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Love letter to LOST

Dear LOST,

I've been faithfully following since Day 1. Over the past few seasons I have become more and more disenchanted with you. Despite Nikki and Paolo, writing off Walt and his powers, turning Ben into a super villain, the island disappearing wheel, the time travel bullshit, the sideways', Sun forgetting English for no reason, the ENTIRE “Across the Sea” episode, having to accept 'magic' exists and an obvious change of direction from a TV series about characters development and human nature to a fanboy Sci-fi/fantasy-adventure with no stakes whether a character dies. Really!?! A healing pool that can bring characters back to life. Really!?! Please don't disappoint on tonight's series finale. I'm not expecting answers to every mystery but at least closure and a reminder of how brilliant you once were.
